...or rather...Paying to sexually assault and rape.
If you purchase a product-say on Ebay, and you receive that item through the post. You expect only the best for your money. A prompt delivery service,with the goods- unbroken and intact. And also the correct size,colour etc.
Following that, you may or may not- write the sellers a good review or indeed, a bad one. Depending on whether you are happy or unhappy with the seller and in order to recommend or warn off other potential customers.
You can also do the same if you buy (Rent) a girls or woman's body for an hour or so. You can write a good review, if you are happy or a bad review, if you are dissatisfied with the product (service provider).
You can then post it on 'prostitution review sites' such as this U.K one - 'PunterNet' ("the most successful of the prostitute-reviewing sites" London Evening Standard" )
prostitution reviews
So, if your 'service provider' was compliant and submissive to all of your sexual demands.
For example- If she was the 'dirtiest' of whores, who likes being slapped in the face, her hair pulled, treated very rough and enjoys being gang raped. Then you can recommend her to other customers.
On the other hand, if your service provider did not respond well to your sexual demands, because...
[Actual words of the punters]
'She was psychologically damaged'
'A drug user'
''Slack holed (From too many customers)'
'Bruised all over and painfully thin'
'Just lies there, staring coldly at the ceiling' or 'Behaves like a dead fish or corpse'
'Does not show enjoyment'
'Too sore- from up to 20 hole renters a day'
'Demonstrates horror and disgust'
'Hates the work and just lies there with her eyes closed' or 'She constantly grimaces in pain and so it only lasts a few minutes'
Then you- as a paying customer, can write your bad review- in order to warn other punters to not waste their money and to stay away from the likes of her.
And even though, many of these punters know, that the majority of these girls and women are prostituted by pimps- via brothels, masquerading as escort agencies, saunas and massage parlours. Who Illegally and with impunity. Continuously rent out- used, abused and damaged goods for cash. The punters don't care.
Because, they-as customers feel that they are entitled to a first class service. Where they should be able to gratify their most depraved, selfish, degrading sexual fantasies and urges on healthy, sexually motivated and highly responsive women- Who are willing and happy to satisfy their every demand.
Do these punters ever wonder why there are so many unsatisfied customers?
And isn't prostitution illegal in the U.K???
Examples of prostitution reviews by punters (Trigger warning)
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