Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Friday, 14 August 2015
Response to a prostitution apologist
I came across this kyle Kulinski video regarding Amnesty's decision to decriminalise sex workers, pimps and brothels. His analysis of things is often very
intelligent and he is passionate about what he is discussing. But
this time I feel that he hasn’t done his research.
He backs up his claims from a t.v reality show and says "Go ask the girls at the bunny ranch"
He backs up his claims from a t.v reality show and says "Go ask the girls at the bunny ranch"
He makes two main
arguments -
One is a strawman,
saying that everybody who is against legalising prostitution is old fashioned and
puritanical. That sex is wrong and paying for sex is just immoral on
the face of it. Also that we are calling everybody who says that they
are happy in prostitution liars.
The second is a
composition fallacy. Saying that prostitution is always better when it is
legal. He makes the comparison between alcohol prohibition, and how
making it illegal made the situation worse. And assumes that the case
is the same with prostitution.
The reason we are
against it, is because we can see that even in cases where
prostitution is legal, there is still exploitation.
Here is an example
of a mega brothel in Germany, where prostitution is legal. It was
recently raided by police under suspicion of human trafficking,
forced prostitution and fraud.
'Josie, who’s 23
and has spent four years in the sex trade, reckons she has slept with
15,000 men. The key item in her make-up bag is a tube of Xylocaine, a
local anaesthetic gel that numbs the inevitable physical pain that
results from sleeping with up to 20 men a day.'
Germany admits it made a terrible mistake...
Ildiko from Hungary is a victim of brutal and unscrupulous human trafficking. Lured to Germany under false pretences, she ended up in a brothel
Germany admits it made a terrible mistake...
Ildiko from Hungary is a victim of brutal and unscrupulous human trafficking. Lured to Germany under false pretences, she ended up in a brothel
A report on the
legal sex industry in Nevada, showing how it really works in a
legal brothel.
this industry does not result in the closing down of illegal sex
establishments," says Farley, "it merely gives them further
permission to exist."
A 2-year research study of Nevada legal and illegal prostitution and sex trafficking reveals human rights violations against women in the Nevada legal brothels.
A 2-year research study of Nevada legal and illegal prostitution and sex trafficking reveals human rights violations against women in the Nevada legal brothels.
"Never buy the line that nobody under 18 works in (Nevada brothels)," he said. "It's happening."
He began promising these girls the moon when they were just 16 years old but they learned real quick once they got to the Bunny Ranch, they weren’t going to be any celebrity. Instead, they had to sexually service Dennis while they called him Daddy FOR NOTHING whenever he wanted.
Pimps Will Be Pimps Whether Male or Female or Posing as “Sex Worker Activists”
"Never buy the line that nobody under 18 works in (Nevada brothels)," he said. "It's happening."
He began promising these girls the moon when they were just 16 years old but they learned real quick once they got to the Bunny Ranch, they weren’t going to be any celebrity. Instead, they had to sexually service Dennis while they called him Daddy FOR NOTHING whenever he wanted.
Dennis Hof
Pimps Will Be Pimps Whether Male or Female or Posing as “Sex Worker Activists”
Testimonial from an
former sex worker.
"What happens
in legal brothels is sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and
sometimes rape," Farley said. "Despite the claims to the
contrary, legal prostitution does not protect women from the
violence, verbal abuse, physical injury or diseases such as HIV that
occur in illegal prostitution."
Women have to justify it: they can’t tell themselves or anyone else the reality of it or else they’d die. Until you step out of prostitution, you don’t realize what the emotional wreckage is
Women have to justify it: they can’t tell themselves or anyone else the reality of it or else they’d die. Until you step out of prostitution, you don’t realize what the emotional wreckage is
Thursday, 13 August 2015
The betrayal of a human rights organization
Today, Amnesty International voted for the global decriminalisation of 'Sex work' because 'Sex workers' are marginalised and face constant risk of violence and abuse'. Now I wonder who on earth could possibly exploit, own, sell, rape, violently assault and murder these girls and women?
It couldn't be the flesh traders and buyers could it, after all they totally love and respect their merchandise and they would never dream of forcing a girl into that kind of 'work' Even though, one of their motto’s is 'Why sell drugs once when you can sell one girl thousands of times' And what of those who 'choose' this work? Maybe some do- But our concern is the millions who don't. Those who are coerced or forced. Those who are desperately poor. Or those who have unresolved PTSD. As any therapist can tell you, there is a strong link between child & adolescent sexual abuse and long term high risk sexual behaviours. Especially present when the victim is substance addicted.
I, along with many other advocates and sex trafficking victims are mortified, sickened and angry at a 'Human rights' movement who are normalising and protecting men's rights to buy and use girls/woman's bodies however and whenever they wish, in order to satisfy their sexual deviancies, power and hatred. Amnesty states that 'Sex workers' will be safer and that it will lessen sex trafficking. Really? None had reported being victims of this violence, which they considered "part of the job". I think they have listened to a lot of pimp talk, because even in countries where it is legal like Germany. Girls and women are suffering from their abusive clients and being trafficked within legal brothels. And are you really that naïve to think that the pimps and brothel owners will treat their 'workers' with dignity and respect. And that they will not provide young girls..When the demand for young girls is escalating beyond measure, in countries whether it's legal,illegal, decriminalised or not. It does not matter to the flesh traders, because they are only interested in PROFITS. Ask yourselves this- Who else would profit, if 'sex work' was decriminalised.
Amnesty denies and dismisses survivors, treating them like defects that don't deserve a voice..
In Decriminalised New Zealand in 2013..
Former prostitutes and their advocates are calling for clients of sex workers to be prosecuted, saying the decriminalisation of the industry has failed them
Full pdf of petition and more reading here-
Sexual slavery, forced drug-taking in Decriminalised NSW brothels on the rise
Pimps force under-age girls to work in Nevada brothels, Oregon police say
"What happens in legal brothels is sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and sometimes rape,
Nevada declared most dangerous and lethal state for the sex industry
Romania's disappearing girls
sexual exploitation and prostitution
Many came from dysfunctional homes, had few friends or family members who cared about them, and were drug addicts or alcoholics.FBI.
Pimps prostituting children (one girl by her own father who filmed her) Who often grow up & continue being pimped.
On average, countries where prostitution is legal experience larger reported human trafficking inflows.
The purpose of the fiction is to cover up all indications of human trafficking, in which women are brought to Germany and exploited there
Lured to Germany under false pretences, she ended up in a brothel.
Consent is not a meaningful concept when a woman acquiesces to prostitution out of fear, despair, and a lack of alternatives.
What Amnesty Did Wrong
Many came from dysfunctional homes, had few friends or family members who cared about them, and were drug addicts or alcoholics.FBI.
Pimps prostituting children (one girl by her own father who filmed her) Who often grow up & continue being pimped.
On average, countries where prostitution is legal experience larger reported human trafficking inflows.
The purpose of the fiction is to cover up all indications of human trafficking, in which women are brought to Germany and exploited there
Lured to Germany under false pretences, she ended up in a brothel.
Consent is not a meaningful concept when a woman acquiesces to prostitution out of fear, despair, and a lack of alternatives.
What Amnesty Did Wrong
I feel that they have made this decision from the purses of pimps. Because money talks and the sex industry talks billions of profits, made from the holes of young girls and women who often don't have the choice. For example, Domestic abuse and impoverished parents selling their own daughters. I could cite references for months, maybe years. But I don't have that luxury of time and besides, you don't have to be an expert, a professional, an academic, a feminist or a survivor to understand that mentally healthy girls and women would never sell their flesh to many men a day in order to "pay their bills or have a flexible work schedule", as you stated in your draft. You never once mentioned the mental health, PTSD and serious drug addictions of many of these women. The self sexual denigration and dissociation that occurs in most adolescents who were sexually abused by men. Yes, by all means decriminalise prostituted people and help them to attain health and social care. You need to criminalise the flesh traders who exploit and the buyers who create the demand. But, you won't do that will you Amnesty. You believe that men are entitled to women's bodies and need to fulfil their sexual desires. Why don't you read the language of the buyers and understand, that it's not about sex. It is the same as rape. It's about power, control and hate. Good men don't use women, good men love women.
Amnesty International - You have demonstrated today, that you have ignored and dismissed the countless victims and survivors of sex trafficking. And that you have assigned girls and women a second class status and you have jeopardised millions more vulnerable women and children, who will be at greater risk at the hands of flesh traders and buyers across the globe. Your actions and watching you all celebrate with your glasses of champagne today, have caused myself and many others who were forced by pimps into prostitution. Utter distress, disbelief, anger and emotions that triggered and exacerbated our traumas, beyond words.